Thursday, 15 November 2012

Target Audience Research

In order to make my magazine more successful I decided to do some preliminary research into my target audience. I will use the infomation gained from my questionnaire to understand what my audience wants and prefers in a music magazine, this will make my product more relate-able and likeable for the audience, which will help sustain sturdy customers and attract new ones as well.

Images for My Magazine

These Images were shot at a gig at Space Bar, Newcastle featuring "King Sloth" and "Wrestling". However, some images were taken outside the venue as well. All images were taken with a Pentax 100D and were then edited using Adobe Photoshop.
                                                         Chris Oldd, Vocalist of Wrestling
                                                      Chris Oldd, back stage at space bar

                                                "King Sloth" playing Space Bar - Newcastle
                                                         Lead Guitarist of "King Sloth"
                                                          Local 2 - piece "Wrestling"
                                                     Wrestling's front man Chris Oldd

My Magazine Idea

I have decided to create a music magazine that is suited to the indie/rock genre. This decision came after researching other indie/rock magazines like 'Q' and 'NME' which will both influence my magazine in terms of design.This genre seemed most appropriate as personally, I have a back catalog of photographs from previous indie gigs and go to these kind of gigs regularly, creating an advantage and perhaps helping to shape a better magazine overall. Aswell as Q and NME magazine being an influence, I will also take influence from the indie culture magazine 'Front' as the aesthetic of the magazine I believe is of a unique and independent value. I will create a front cover, double page spread and contents page for my magazine.

Magazine Front Cover Summary

A very common and necessary idea that features on a magazine front cover is the masthead of the magazine, this feature is often positioned at the top of the cover, however some magazines may vary. The masthead is usually in a large font as it identifies to the audience which magazine they are looking at. Magazine covers also involve the use of imagery whether it is a photograph or an illustration, known as the main image. The main image should be appealing and attractive to the audience, the image should hint at the context of the magazine. It is also necessary for the magazine cover to be dated and numbered as it provides essential information, for example “Issue 23. March 2012”. This allows the reader to know which issue the magazine is and lets them know whether it’s “up to date “or the latest issue. If the magazine is to be sold in retail then a barcode should be visible on the cover, allowing it to be purchased; free magazines do not require a barcode. Magazines usually have a main cell line as well, more popularly known as a “Headline”. The main cell line is designed to draw attention to the magazine and be as interesting as possible so people read the magazine. The main cell line is also often in a large front and sometimes is even put in capital lettering to draw more attention to it. As well as the main cell line, there are additional cell lines. Additional cell lines are always smaller than the main cell line as they are not as important or attention grabbing, there are several usually positioned all around the magazine cover. Magazines should also have a limit of 3 main colours on the magazine and the colours should be attractive and the colours should contrast effectively with each other.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Double Page Spread Analysis

Here is my analysis of a double page spread taken from the popular culture magazine 'Front' featuring an indie artist named 'Kreayshawn'.

Front Cover Analysis

Here is my analysis of the front covers of popular music magazines 'Q' and 'NME'. 

Institution Explanation

IPC Media is the UK leading media and news organisation. IPC Media are in control of a range of media from magazines to newspapers and are responsible for over 60 iconic media brands. Their media comes in a range of forms and is available through mobile phones, tablets, events, physically and online. IPC Media is the most popular media institution in the UK with over 26 million adults involved; 58% of women and 42% of men in the UK read and engage with IPC's published media.

IPC Media produce a wide variety of magazines such as the TV magazine 'What's on TV?'. Many people buy this magazine to find out soap gossip and find out what programmes are on at what time and read reviews. They are also responsible for the publishing of the popular music magazine 'NME' with this magazine alone gathering over 1.1 million readers monthly. Men's magazines like 'Nuts' and typically women centred magazines like 'pick me up' are published by IPC Media.

IPC Media has a large portfolio selling over 350 million copies each year making them the largest media institution in the UK.

Preliminary Task Front cover

Front cover designed for a school magazine.